Wednesday, May 13, 2009

10 minutes of Terminator Salvation..

If you don't want anything to be spoiled DO NOT WATCH THIS! If you do choose to watch, do it quickly before FOX has it taken down.

Terminator Salvation
arrives in Theaters May 21

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

"Stand By Me" around the world...

This is very cool. Various street performers from around the world recorded in their home towns, on the street, and mixed cleverly into ONE track.

Check more songs like this HERE

Monday, May 04, 2009

District 9 Teaser Trialer...

Peter Jackson's latest feat as a Producer, District 9. This teaser trailer should give you chills.

Tis' the season for New BLOOD...

This quickly became one of my new favorite TV shows last year, thanks to being caught at home with an illness and HBO on Demand. Now, its returning for a second season this June. Here is a promo for the highly anticipated season 2 of HBO's True Blood.