Friday, February 01, 2008

My Top TV Shows...

After watching the Lost Season 4 premiere last night I began to realize that I have some pretty good taste in television shows. And with the miracle of technology, I want to share with you my top five shows that are on right now (writers strike pending).

1. Dexter - This crime/drama adds a twist by making the protagonist a psychotic serial killer. Dexter, who's foster father recognized his killer tendencies at an early age taught Dexter how to use those cravings for good. By day Dexter works with the Miami police department as a forensic scientist, by night he hunts down those that have dark pasts and rightfully kills them. Just wrapping up its second season, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my favorite complex character makes a bloody comeback.

2. Battlestar Galactica - I'm sorry to say that this masterpiece of a television series gets a bum wrap. When most people hear the name, they automatically think cheese ball Star Trek-type television series. When in fact, this show is one of the most emotionally charged, political dramas that is on television today (it just happens to be set in space.). I will admit that it wasn't until I started to work for the production executive of this show, that I even considered watching it. And I probably would have never even thought about it based on the name alone. But this is EASILY my number two. If you have not seen this show, you HAVE to jump on the band wagon. I guarantee you that you will get hooked. There is only one more season remaining so get in before it's over...

3. Heroes- Is great. A group of "gifted" people use their special abilities to save the world. Don't worry, no spandex tights in this show. As a kid, I loved the super hero genre and comic books, so maybe I am being a little biased on this one but it is a very entertaining show. It blends great action, a little bit of soapy drama, and some very impressive special effects. It gets the three spot because it can drag a bit at times, but like Lost, there are excellent cliff hangers. (by the way I was in a national Heroes promo CLICK HERE to see it.)

4. 30 Rock - In my opinion this is the MOST underrated comedy on television right now. With the likes of SNL greats, Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, and Alec Baldwin, you are sure to find yourself laughing uncontrollably. Although the show doesn't pull very many viewers, each season has gotten lots critical acclaim. If this show isn't on your Tivo, add it. I promise this half hour will turn into your favorite half hour of the week. Here is one of my favorite moments from season 1...

5. Lost - see what I wrote about this show a few entries below, or CLICK HERE.

6. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - It's still a bit early to say this is my number 6 favorite show, but of the 3 episodes I've seen so far, I am hooked. The pilot, which aired on January 13, 2008, was jam packed full of above average CGI and action sequences. I am a true fan of the original Terminator franchise, and I really like where producers and writers have taken the story in this new Fox series. Set to take place after Terminator 2: Judgement Day, we follow Sarah and John Connor in their pursuit for survival. It seems that Skynet is aware of the fact that John is still alive and continues to send Terminators through time to annihilate the teen. This show can go in a lot of directions, with the combination of time travel and unidentifiable cyborgs, there is sure to be a lot of action. Take a gander...

Those are just a few of my favorite should check them out, if you haven't already, but you don't have to take my word for it...

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