Thursday, January 31, 2008


Thanks to a few pestering friends of mine I have recently jumped off the LOST haters wagon, and onto the Dharma van. That's right, I'm coming out and saying it...I'M A LOST FAN!

I had gone the span of all three season without watching one single episode on television. Looking back, I think the main reason I never tuned in was because EVERYONE everywhere was talking about it, and I didn't want to buy into the hype. But during the last few months of 2007 I tore through all 3 season of Lost in unbelievable time.

I must say that season 1 was a total snore fest. I wasn't feeling the show at all. In fact, my buddy Matt had to keep telling me, "dude, I promise it gets better." And finally, the first episode of season 2 threw me a curve and changed the show completely. Instead of a cheesy combination of Survivor and Cast Away on an deserted island, it instantly became a Stephen King-like science fiction series. I was sucked IN! In fact, as soon as the Dharma Initiative was introduced I was hooked on LOST! Season 3 was even better introducing us to the "Others" and making some major changes with main characters.

Now that Season 4 is premiering tonight on ABC, I am ecstatic. Although, I must say I am not looking forward to having to wait a week between episodes. I was spoiled rotten being able to watch multiple episodes in a row when I watched the show on DVD. The true test of my loyalty to the show will come in this 8 episode, season. And since the number "4" is the first in the sequence of numbers we see throughout the show (4 8 15 16 23 42), I'm ready for some mind bending ripples in the plot.

I could write for hours about this show, but I actually need to get going, I have a LOST party to get to. "Live Together, Die Alone"

1 comment:

JedBoy said...

Nice to see you've joined rest of us Lost enthusiasts. I didn't want to watch it either when it first came out, but my brother lent me Season 1 a few years back and I've been hooked ever since!! It really is the most amazing piece of television I've ever seen.