"Sorry buddy, you're breakthrough, beautifully shot and directed film happens to be in Swedish and clearly isn't good enough for American audiences. We'll have to redo the whole thing in English this time."
For any of you who happened to see L.T.R.O.I, you know just as well as I do that remaking this film is indeed an insult of gigantic proportions. This movie is easily one of the best, if not THE BEST, vampire movie I have seen. Its simplicity is what gives the film its charm. Hollywood wants to beef it up with visual effects and CGI, it will surley lose that magical element. When asked about his film being remade, Alfredson expressed unhappiness, saying that "Remakes should be made of movies that aren't very good, that gives you the chance to fix whatever has gone wrong" and expressing concern that the end result would be too mainstream.
Cloverfield director Matt Reeves had signed to write and direct the English language refake. Hammer Films acquired the remake rights at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival and Overture films plans to release the film in 2010. BOO! boycott this poop!
I find it quite disturbing that Hollywood is willing to rape and desecrate the films that have built the very foundation to the pedestal that the entertainment industry is on today. If this pattern continues, that foundation will erode and all will come tumbling down.