You know 10 years ago "Blogging" was something unheard of. In fact, at that time if I had even heard the word "blog" thoughts of some sort of space alien or demon from the under world may have come to mind, not an online journal.
But in this day and age, "Blogging" has virtually taken over the Internet. The term "weblog," which was coined in 1997, became "blog" two years later (1999) When a man named Peter Merholz jokingly broke the word "weblog" into the phrase "we blog" in the sidebar of his blog Peterme.com. That is a little known fact, but it changed history. Blogging evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. But now people use them for just about everything else.
Everyone seems to have a blog these days; from political critics who need some sort of outlet to preach their political points of view, to science-fiction fans that write and speculate about upcoming movies, video games and comic books.
A "Blog" can be a powerful form of self-expression; so long someone takes the time to read it. That is why, today, I have chosen to embark on this quest called "blogging" in hopes to crack some smart ass remarks, raise some interesting questions and share experiences. And I will dedicate myself to this endeavor by writing at least one of these blasted blogs a week. And if, by any chance, I skip one, I probably have a really good excuse so save the criticism. With that said, it begins.........
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