Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fleet the parents...

I've been out in California now for a little over three months now and it truly is amazing to look back on all that I've done since my arrival. I think the weight of it all came to my realization when my parents showed up last week. They arrived last Tuesday (Jan. 9 2007) and I led them all around southern California until the following Sunday. Up until their arrival I had not understood the magnitude of the job I have. Like any job, you get used to your duties and tend to forget how many others would LOVE to do what you do. And my parents visit made me realize just how lucky I am.

It was the first time my folks have ever been out in the LA area. It was a lot of fun to take them to all of the sites. You know, downtown Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Universal Studios. As you can see, it was a riot. I hope they had a good time and will come back someday soon!

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