Want a crash course in Norwegian? This little video by a friend of mine in Norway is HILARIOUS. Pull out a piece of paper and take notes. Thanks Lasse.
Here is an equally educational short on the English equivalent to "FAEN." (I know what you're thinking, a little explicit, right? Well this is the world we live in, so if you don't like it, go .... yourself.)
*I did not put this up here to offend anyone, if you were I am terribly sorry. I just wanted to share something that I thought was funny.
This little documentary is going to be very good. It was a crowd favorite at the Sundance Film Festival and I am certain that it will live up to all the hype. Check out the trailer for American Teen below...
This weekend I rediscovered my love for the Ska band Goldfinger. As I often do on the weekend, I found myself browsing the music section at Best Buy and I came across the new Goldfinger CD, "hello destiny..." I couldn't resist, I had to pick it up.
Goldfinger was formed in 1994. Their edgy combination of brass horns and electric guitars has helped build the foundation and popularity of the Ska genre.
I discovered Goldfinger my freshman year in college (1999) while working as a disc jockey for the college radio station. I found that not only did the band have very catchy tunes, the music brought along with it a ultra positive vibe AND it rocked. That is one thing that I REALLY like about Ska, it usually brings with it a positive and upbeat feeling
If you like Reel Big Fish, No Doubt(early years), or Sublime, you should look into Goldfinger if you haven't already.
Most people know that Conan O'Brien will be taking over for Jay Leno next year, but it hasn't been completely clear as to who will take over the reigns for Mr. O'Brien's current Late Night Show.
A report on IMDB.com had this to add to the burning question:
Jimmy Fallon has been tapped to replace Conan O'Brien on NBC's Late Night when O'Brien takes over hosting duties on The Tonight Show from Jay Leno next year, Fox.com entertainment columnist Roger Friedman reported today (Thursday), saying it was "a done deal." Friedman, who cited no sources, said that NBC plans to make a formal announcement around May 11th when it presents its fall schedule to advertisers.
The choice of Fallon for "Late Night" has a certain logic to it. Fallon did at one time fill in for Letterman on the "Late Show" in 2003. He's an established comedian and is said to be a favorite of "SNL" producer Lorne Michaels, who took a chance on O'Brien for "Late Night" in 1993 and who likely will play a key role in picking O'Brien's replacement. Stay tuned for NBC's official announcement.
As a HUGE fan of the epic sitcom Seinfeld, this was some great news. Turner Broadcasting's TBS.com has begun streaming episodes of Seinfeld, thereby making the popular TV series legally available online for the first time. Click below to check them out yourself...
I have decided to bring an element of consistency to my blog. You would probably guess already that I am a HUGE movie and TV buff. But I have paid little attention to another passion of mine, music. I have decided that once a week I will write up a little ditty about one of my favorite bands, songs or music videos.
For my first EVER entry, I want to focus on one of my favorite bands, Kings of Convenience.
During my time living in Norway, I saw one of their music videos on MTV, fell in love with the song, but was never able to find the CD. Then I randomly came across the album, Quiet Is the New Loud, at a local library. After listening through it one time, I instantly became a fan. Ever since then "KOC" has been at the top of my "most played songs" list on my iTunes.Erik GlambekBøe and ErlendØye, two UK-based musicians, originally from Bergen, Norway, first played together as a vital part of a Norwegian Indie band. That band split-up and the duo began performing self-written material on a regular basis, calling themselves Kings of Convenience. Their mellow style has been labeled as a key component of the New Acoustic Movement. In fact, the title of their second album has been adopted as the movements unofficial motto: "Quiet is the new loud." Bands that have been linked to the movement include Turin Brakes, Kings of ConvenienceStarsailor, David Gray, Coldplay and I am kloot. Below is the video that started it all for me. "Failure" By Kings of Convenience.
So I just got an email from a friend of mine in Florida. This has me scared to death. I hope it's just a coincidence, but there are just too many things that line up. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Watch this:
There is one thing that makes a good action movie EVEN better. Bullets, bullets and more bullets. From Rambo to Commando, the more bullets flying on screen, and the higher the body count, the better the action flick. With that said there are two movies coming out that show some SERIOUS potential, let me tell you all about them. The first, is one that you have probably already heard about. Starring veteran action star and mega babe, Angelina Jolie, and James McAvoy (Atonement), Wanted, tells the story of a young man (McAvoy) who finds out his long lost father is an assassin. And after his father is murdered, he is recruited by his pappy's old organization and is trained to follow in his dad's footsteps. This will be a high octane shoot-em-up action movie with some added eye candy thanks in part to Angelina. Wanted comes blows up in theaters on June 27, 2008. Check out the trailer...
In this day and age we, as Americans, are used to hearing about major threats to our well being everyday in the media. Everything from Terrorism, Global Warming, and even Obesity are supposedly plaguing the nation. But there is a bigger issue at hand, an invasion of GLOBAL proportions, that needs to be addressed...PLANTS. There are about 350,000 species of plants on this planet we call earth. Of those, there are about 625 IDENTIFIED species that are considered to be carnivorous. Keep in mind this just means that there are still hundreds of thousands of species that are still in limbo, "sleeping" if you will, waiting for the official order to attack. It sounds crazy, but they are just waiting to take back the planet.
Recently there has been an underground effort* to educate the world on the many dangers that plants pose to human kind. Sure they seem motionless and docile, but I have two bits of video that prove otherwise. This organization has funded a major motion picture and a few television spots to get the word out.
The first would be "warning," funded by the anti-plant organization*, The Ruins, is about a group of college teens that run into some unforeseen trouble while visiting a set of ancient ruins. Their seemingly harmless Mexican trip turns deadly when local villagers refuse to let them leave the eroded temple. Turns out...the Pyramid is really covered with killer, flesh-eating plants.
This movie is actually pretty good. Despite the cheesiness of the trailer, I can honestly say that it will keep you on the edge of your seat. I recommend it. In fact, here is a little fun you can have with this. Take a date and somehow sneak a small twig in with you and while in the theater tickle the back of her neck with it. Guaranteed shriek!! I will admit that I will never look at a plant the same way again after seeing The Ruins. I do have a bit of a plant complex now, so bad in fact, that I find myself suffering from mass paranoia whenever a plant is in the vicinity. And it wasn't until recently that this TV spot gave me a solution to my problem...thank you Christopher Walken.
Damn your Googly Eyes!!*The Anti-Plant organization is completely made up. Just thought you would like to know...just wanted to present these two plant-themed items in a creative matter.
After much consideration, and some VERY difficult decisions, I have decided to make the grand trek back to Utah. My time here in LA has been great, I have made my mark on the entertainment industry but it is time to get back to my family.
I have come to this conclusion after looking at how much money I had to spend just to survive in this place last year. Bottom line, it is just too damn expensive. So, at the end of this month, I will be loading up my car and making the trek back to the great Beehive State (aka Utah). On the bright side I will be be back with my family, and will be able to spend more time with my Utah friends again. OH YEAH! Not to mention, there are quite a few ladies that I want to pick things up where they left off with.
I know this is a very sudden decision, but I know in my heart that it is what is best for me. I will deeply miss all the great people that I have come to know over these past two years. My experience in the entertainment world has been MORE than valuable. I know it will suite me even better in Utah. I mean let's face it...I will be a virtual celebrity from the second I return., that's ALWAYS a good thing!
Now that this is out in the open, I need to plan some GRAND get together for my Cali peeps, before my triumphant exit. Keep your eyes peeled for an eVite , I'm thinking mid-April, I am really going to miss everyone out here. Almost as much as the weather, just kidding. Only one month left and then Mama, I'm coming home.
This is probably the best news I've heard all year. My favorite Band, 311, has announced their 2008 summer tour. And of all the times I've seen them perform, this is already sounding like one of the best tours to date. Headlining with Rap GOD, Snoop Dogg, I can see no reason why anyone in their right mind would not want tickets to this show. It has been a few years since I went to a 311 concert, so you better believe that I will be going this year. I need my fix of the three-one-one. The Unity Tour begins in June and will go through August:
"Come Original" -311 (USANA Amphitheater, summer 2005, West Valley City, UT) I took this video myself.
More exciting news, one of my all-time favorite bands, Stone Temple Pilots, has finally put their differences aside and have officially announced that they are getting back together. Not only that, but rumor has it that STP will reportedly play more than 50 amphitheaters across the U.S. this summer. The new dates are expected to be announced April 7th.
As you know America was given the chance to decide what NBC Pages will wear from now on. Well, the decision is in and it all went down on the Today Show this morning...
Not my favorite choice, but a good one. I think it is a very sharp look for the pages. I will miss the old and ugly blues. I am only disappointed that future pages will not have to lead tours dressed like a Mall Security Guard. Hey, if I had to do it, so should they!
Producer for Attack of the Show (R.I.P.) / Husband & Papa / American Norwegian / Basketball obsessed / ZOMBIES! / BADNESS is not a word, its a lifestyle!