I came across this film festival as I was reading Variety magazine. I noticed an add for this film (pictured to the right, Tatt av Kvinnen) and noticed that it was directed by the same man that directed one of my ALL-TIME favorite Norwegian films Elling. I had to see this movie no matter the cost. After all, its not often that I get the chance to watch a film made in my motherland on the big screen. So I ventured out to Beverly Hills to see Tatt av Kvinnen aka Gone with the Woman.
When I arrived I was surprised to see that the lobby was full of various scandos of all ages, shapes and sizes. Even as I bought my ticket the lady at the ticket box said,
"You're name is Kristian Odland? Snakker du Norsk?" (Do you speak Norwegian?)
I replied, "Ja det snakker jeg." (Yes, I do!).
She then said, "Du må bare snakke sånn da!" (Feel free to speak it, then!)
Finally, after several years I am surrounded by my kinsfolk. Kind of a fun situation to be in. Shortly after buying our tickets we were told that the director of the film, Petter Næss will not only introduce the

I must say that I REALLY enjoyed the movie. It is about a young man and his troubles with his difficult girlfriend. She seems to always pop up at every inopportune time and ruin any of his plans. Over time he comes to realize the complexity of love and more importantly, the complexity of women. Before long Marianne, his girlfriend, has moved in and is turning his life upside down.
He finds his escape at the local swimming pool, where he meets Glenn, played by Peter

Things take a very interesting turn when Marianne talks him into taking a long trip through Europe. Upon their arrival in a rural French town, the couple has a falling out. Marianne decides to remain, but our main character goes back to Paris to venture out on his own. In doing so he meets a beautiful French girl and experiences first hand what it is like to actually get along. He feels guilty for almost cheating on Marianne and returns home to Norway.
As he is alone and waits, Marianne finally comes back and traps

1 comment:
Sounds like a very interesting evening. The movie sounds like a lot of fun. . . .
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